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  Sadharan Brahmo Samaj Library

  211/1, Bidhan Sarani, Kolkata - 700006
  Email: library.sbsamaj@gmail.com
  Phone: (+91) 9007688760


Sadharan Brahmo Samaj Website


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Services offered by Sadharan Brahmo Samaj Library

Sadharan Brahmo Samaj Library is offering the following services at present

Free Reading Room Service

Anyone can avail the service during the Library timing. Catalogue of all the books and periodicals are accessible to all readers. Daily newspapes and journals are also available along with old and rare volums of journals and books.

Digital Imaging Services

Readers can avail this service with a requisition for the selective pages. Digital images as per requisition are processed in PDF/JPG/TIFF format and delivered on CD/DVD to the reader.

Digital Imaging Print Services

Those readers can avail this service who anly require a print copy of selected pages. Digital images of the book pages are processed and printed on plain paper and delivered to reader.

Audio Transcriptions

Selected pages are recorded as audio books and delivered to the reader on CD/DVD in MP3 format.

Fumigation Facility

The library has its own fumigation facility for its books and manuscripts. Any individual or organisation can also avail this facility for their books and documents.

Hiring for Events

Seminers or group lectures may be allowed to be hosted by other organisations.


“Paradise will be a kind of library.” - Jorge Luis Borges